
Our First Podcast Interview! Relay CEO Matt Gillin Discusses Startups and Entrepreneurship

November 3, 2016

Relay CEO and Co-founder Matt Gillin interviewed by Andrew Warner on the Mixergy podcast.

The conversation features the challenges Matt faced on his way to become a successful entrepreneur, as well as the various lessons learned, some of which were uncovered through fascinating stories that Matt shared during the hour long interview.

Through Mixergy and its associated podcast, Andrew has conducted over 1,000 interviews, asking big questions to dig deep into the success and failures of business founders and thought leaders to help his audience “learn from proven entrepreneurs”. He’s interviewed the CEOs of Groupon, Zappos, Reddit, and Dropbox (and now Ecount and Relay!) to provide a forum where successful people can teach ambitious upstarts.

Check out the full interview on Mixergy’s website or give it a listen by searching “Mixergy” on your favorite podcast app.

Click here for more about the Relay team and our story.

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