
South Carolina Health Insurer and Relay Create Great Customer Experience

August 24, 2016

The only South Carolina-owned and operated health insurance carrier and Relay Network, the secure customer messaging company, worked together to create the Wire® by Relay, a digital customer engagement solution focusing on empowering healthcare consumers with personal, actionable messages and information through a lasting, secure engagement space. The insurance provider, which serves 21.5 million people through private business and government contracts, sought a technology-driven solution simplifying the way in which members receive information, take action, and conduct transactions, ultimately creating engaged and informed members who are notably healthier and less costly.

Through this solution provided by Relay, members are invited to join health insurer’s private communication network. The platform opens the door for more digital interactions by connecting members to important health content at the right times. Connected members can receive personalized and interactive messages from the insurer to their personal feed, and their full conversation thread lives on forever.

Since launching in 2015, the insurer has achieved its highest levels of engagement and adherence across important healthcare use cases such as screenings, wellness participation, and preventative care. The insurer has also seen high Wire adoption rates – up to 49% of its invited members – along with greater usage of its digital tools, including a 130% increase in portal registrations.

“The healthcare industry – like most service-based industries – is facing an engagement challenge,” said Brie Tascione, chief marketing officer of Relay. “It’s not easy reaching consumers with information today, even when that information is critical. Our client is approaching this challenge differently by establishing a connection with each and every member up front, and it’s paying off with more engaged, healthier members.”

Want to learn more about how we help healthcare companies create more connected patients? Reach out to us for a demo.

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